Achieving Your Goals

Okay…..let’s all just take a minute to appreciate my PINK front door!  Now i’ve got your attention let’s talk about achieving your goals, because let’s be real here, you are the only person that is in control of your life, fact! It’s completely in your hands to design and create the life you…

Get To Know Me

LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF… Firstly, let me say hello and thank you for clicking onto my new blog! Secondly, let me apologise for the essay length of this post! I just couldn’t stop writing and felt everything needed to be said. I want you all to know everything I think you need to know about me and…

All Things Lockdown

LOCKDOWN: Yes, that very unpopular word! As sad as it sounds I don’t think there is anyone I know who hasn’t been affected by coronavirus in one way or another. As a business, we were severely hit by the pandemic, with both sides of our company being hard hit. (I do just want to point out…