Its Okay Not To Be Okay

Hey, just me! I just want this post to be your little reminder that everything is going to be okay. It’s healthy to admit you’re not okay. It’s okay not to be okay, it’s brave. But don’t let it win, be sad, have your moment, your day or week. Then do something about it and…

Starting A New Life

Sorry! A little later than 5:30pm today, I totally lost track of the time!  How has it been a year already since we bought and moved into the beautiful Heather Cottage?!  Wow this year really has flown by, we moved on the 1st November 2019 and it still feels as though it was yesterday. This time last…

Smashing Financial Goals

BOOM We’ve hit October’s financial target; it is such a good feeling especially after all of the knockback’s lockdown has caused.  What did I do and what plans did I put in place to make sure we smashed our target? First things first is to collect all of our tenant’s rental payments, making…