Achieving Your Goals

Okay…..let’s all just take a minute to appreciate my PINK front door! 

Now i’ve got your attention let’s talk about achieving your goals, because let’s be real here, you are the only person that is in control of your life, fact!

It’s completely in your hands to design and create the life you love, no one else is going to do it for you!

Listen, if you don’t start taking action today then I can guarantee in a years time you will be in the same position as you are in today. 

We’ve all been there with the excuses that sound a little bit like….. 

  • I’ll start it tomorrow, I am too tired today
  • I didn’t have time today as I did XYZ…
  • I’ll start building the website next week as I am too busy this week 

Sound familiar? It’s just too easy to push everything aside for “tomorrow”. Stop!

In reality you are always going to be busy, there is always going to be something else that needs your attention and a never ending to do list, that’s just life. That’s exactly why you cannot wait until tomorrow!

You need to make your dreams and goals a priority. Otherwise, they will always stay just that, a dream.

Every time you catch yourself saying “I’ll do that tomorrow”, I challenge you to ask yourself “is the thing I am prioritising going to help me to get a step closer to my goal?” 

If the answer is no then you’ve got to take ACTION!

It doesn’t need to be massive, just baby steps at first, but a baby step is better than no step! 

So tell me what’s your biggest goal?

Just remember: “If you had started doing anything two weeks ago, today you would be two weeks better at it”


About The Author

Evie Stockford