Its Okay Not To Be Okay

Hey, just me!

I just want this post to be your little reminder that everything is going to be okay.

It’s healthy to admit you’re not okay. It’s okay not to be okay, it’s brave. But don’t let it win, be sad, have your moment, your day or week. Then do something about it and be happy for yourself.

You can’t stop negative thoughts from popping into your head, but you can choose to stop letting them control you and your life.

Take a minute to breathe and realign with your thoughts, turn off your phone, read a book, meditate or have a bubble bath, anything to help you to switch off. How about a yoga class (Although not going to lie it’s actually so much harder than it looks!)

Remember not to take too much notice to these tiny little perfect squares that you see every day here on Instagram and remind yourself that it’s not reality and don’t compare your life to someone else’s. You only see a very small snippet and people are going to show you the perfect parts.

I find that writing down my thoughts and releasing them from head helps massively. Write down what’s on your mind, what’s making you feel anxious or upset. Once your thoughts are on paper it feels as though you have downloaded all of your negative thoughts and helps clear your mind to create a path on how to tackle what’s dragging you down. 

To whoever needs to hear it, just remember that better days are coming and that my inbox is always open!

A few of my favourite feel good accounts that never fail to put a smile on my face are, @staceysolomon @mrshinchhome @oliviadbowen @busybee.carys @emshelx @meggangrubb


About The Author

Evie Stockford