Who Cares What Others Think!


Shout it from the roof tops as this is so so important!

It’s so easy to follow the crowd and blend in so you don’t stick out. People don’t want to become vulnerable, they try and stay camouflaged by not pursuing what they actually want to do.

People are far too scared of what other people will think and this stops most from doing what they want to do.

If you want to start a YouTube channel, start a YouTube channel don’t worry about what others think. It you want to start a business, a new career, blog, absolutely anything then just go for it! F**k what anyone else thinks, they don’t pay your bills do they!

Starting my business was the BEST thing I have ever done, starting the blog and thoughts of the day has been scary but again it’s amazing and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m glad I just went out and did it.

You need to do you, stop looking around you, worried what people will say or think. It’s your life and you only get one shot, this isn’t a dress rehearsal.

Why live your life trying to seek others approval? (Pretty stupid right).

I cannot reiterate this enough, GO AND DO YOU!


About The Author

Evie Stockford