I’m being featured on a Tej Talks Podcast!

“Building a 15 unit R2R portfolio aged 19 and investing all of her life savings – did it pay off?”

Go check out the podcast!

What an absolute privilege to have been asked to be featured on a Tej Talks podcast! I can’t believe my luck, I am so incredibly grateful to have been given this wonderful opportunity.

If you fancy hearing all about my property journey, delving into all of the good bits and even the bad bits go and check out and listen to Tej Talks podcast on Spotify, Apple and Google podcast. 

The podcast explores my day-to-day life and the journey I have been on to create and build a 6-figure company from the ground over the past 3 years. 

I share some of my top tips, explain how I got to where I am today and what I hope to achieve in the future. 

It is amazing what happens when you get your name out there and the opportunities that arise. I was fortunate enough to be featured in the YPN magazine and on the YPN YouTube channel, both of these opportunities leading to being featured on the podcast and many more exciting projects in the pipe line. 

TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO TO EVERYONE YOU MEET! Shout it from the roof tops! 

Was I nervous?…yes.

Was I pushed out of comfort zone?…yes.

Was it worth it?…100%. 

Before recording the podcast I was so nervous, I was worried that I would stutter, wouldn’t know how to answer Tej’s questions etc all of the natural emotions you feel when going through a new experience. However nervous I felt I made sure that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and did it! 

You only grow and achieve when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. 

Anyway, what are you waiting for go and listen to the podcast and learn all about my business and property journey and maybe it will inspire you to start your own. 

Thank you for reading. 

Bye for now Xx

About The Author

Evie Stockford