How to stay motivated, my 6 mains tips to keep you on track

How to stay motivated especially at times like these! Here are a few of tips of how to keep on going and keeping your mind focused in the right direction.

1. Build a business around your passion. (Trust me, I’ve made this mistake in the past not to follow my passion, it’s not worth it)

When you do something you truly love it’s not hard to find the motivation needed to succeed. For example my whole heart is dedicated to Pegasus Estate, I love everything about it and will do whatever it takes to make my business succeed. If you are involved in an industry that bores you it will be hard to dig down and find that motivation when you need it because you aren’t truly passionate about what you are doing. You will get bored, you won’t see the point of trying to succeed and overall you will become unmotivated. 

2. Always have long-term and short-term goals.

I’m a big fan of goals, I strive to achieve my goals. Both short-term and long-term — they give you something to work towards, and creating short-term goals ensures that you are able to succeed on a regular basis, providing further motivation to push hard towards achieving the long-term goals. I am a massive goal setter, I look at my goals everyday, I have big long term goals and then the slightly easier to achieve goals on a monthly basis. 

Of course everyone will have different preferences, but I personally like to see my goals written down, and I like them to be in front of my face as much as possible. I have a vision board in front of my desk, and they stare me in the face daily. My lock screen on my phone is also a digital vision board, therefore not a day goes by where I won’t see my goals and my aspirations. This constant visualisation keeps me motivated and focused on crossing each goal off the whiteboard. Which helps me keep motivated and on track. 

3. Being optimistic. 

I think I am the most optimistic person I know. When you are constantly optimistic you focus on just the positives, which helps you stay motivated and focused on reaching your goals.  I am also a massive fan of manifestation and believe that the energy you give out to the universe is the energy you receive, let me tell you know this has worked for me EVERY SINGKE TIME. The minute you start to bring negative thoughts into your mind is the moment your forward momentum will come to a stop.

Remember like attracts like! 

4. Commit to the end goal.

As I like to say, fortune favours the brave. Success often comes to those who take big risks, and big risks can result in big failures. Most successful entrepreneurs have experienced failure at one point. Even if you have failed in the past, commit to your end goal and don’t think about those past failures or the possibility of failing again. It could happen, yes, but you could also be the next success story. This circles back to the point above — you must remain extremely optimistic at all times, and if you do get knocked down you have to bounce right back up, focused on your end goal.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

The people you surround yourself with has a direct influence on how you behave, both in your personal life and in the workplace. This quote by Michael Dell sums it up perfectly:

“Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people … or find a different room.” 

In business it’s called networking. In organisations it’s called team building. And in life it’s called family and friends.

Remember: In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn:

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” The people you spend the most time with shape who you are.

6. Establish a personal reward system.

Now this is my favourite one. It’s always nice to be rewarded for your hard work, and we can all benefit from implementing a personal rewards program.

There are so many examples but Friday afternoon pizza if all goals are hit for the week is a great way to keep a team/yourself motivated and pushing hard, while you might reward yourself with an early Friday departure from the office if specific personal performance goals are reached.

Trips, cars and material items can be used for larger goals and they can spark that little bit of extra motivation needed.

Bye for now Xx

About The Author

Evie Stockford