How to Improve your Time Management, my 5 Top Tips

1. Delegate Tasks

It isn’t unusual for all of us to try and take on more tasks than we are capable of completing, we have all been there!

Having too much work on and too many tasks on your mind can often result in stress and burnout. This when you know that it is time to delegate. Delegation does not mean you are running away from your responsibilities but are managing your tasks to help you be your most efficient.

2. Prioritise Work

This one I have definitely mentioned before but it is so important and helps massively. Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need completing and prioritise the tasks. The bot so important tasks can sometimes take over and use up most of your time, we also tend to offer these too much of our energy because they are easier or less stressful. I know I’m guilty of this, doing all my easy, less dreaded tasks first and but the time I have completed these I have no determination or energy to complete the more important, pressing tasks. 

However, identifying the more urgent tasks that need to be completed on that day can massively improvise your productivity. Once you know where to put your energy, you will start to get things done in an order that works for you and your work pattern.

3. Create a Schedule

Okay, I am guilty of own about a million note books! Always have a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Sometimes I also use my notes app on my phone as then you won’t forget. Being able to tick off items as you complete them will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated. I mean there is not better feeling than ticking off your to do’s!

To better manage your time, you could also make 3 separate lists: work, home and personal.

4. Take Regular Breaks

Whenever you find yourself feeling tired and stressed, take a break for 10 to 15 minutes. Too much stress can take its toll and affect your productivity and mental health. It helps you to relax and get back to work with the energy you need. If you know a break is coming, you’ll likely be able to overcome your boredom or lack of motivation and push yourself to reach your goal. 

It can sometimes to be good and help you refresh yourself if you take a walk, listen to some music, or do some quick stretches. The best idea is to take a break from work completely and spend time with your friends and family. My personal favourite is playing and cuddling my dog Copper. 

5. Overcome Procrastination

Sometimes you just can’t help yourself but procrastination is one of the things that has a negative effect on your productivity. It can result in wasting your time and energy. Usually you will procrastinate when we feel bored or overwhelmed and don’t want to get on with a task. Try to schedule in smaller, fun activities throughout the day to break up the more difficult tasks. This may help you stay on track.

Final Thoughts

When you get clear about what you need to do and what is required from you, you’ll be more focused and get more done in less time.

Good time management requires a daily practice of prioritising tasks and organising them in a way that can save time while achieving more. 

Use the above strategies for a few weeks and see if they help you.

Bye for now Xx 

About The Author

Evie Stockford