Heading into Q4

We are now into Q4! So although I feel as though we should defintely still be in Q1 due to COVID, in reality we are very much nearing the end of 2020!! I have spent the last week going over what I would like to achieve within this final quarter of the year.

I have planned financial goals, personal goals for my career development and just everyday goals.

One of our main goals as a company is that we wish to acquire 2 new properties before year-end. We are picking the keys up to our latest HMO on the 1st of November, stay tuned for that!

Although many of my goals both personally and business-related have sadly been slightly tweaked or pushed forward to 2021 due to the pandemic, one which I am still hoping to achieve by the end of 2020 is to become a 6 figure company. 

One of my biggest goals for 2020 was to start to give my dad a salary from the company to help towards his retirement, which unfortunately hasn’t happened, although I have set a new target for this to be achieved by June 2021 and will strive to achieve this.

If you haven’t already, why not make some time today to think what your goals are going to be for the last 3 months of 2020? Make time to do them today, visualise your goals and bring them to life.

You’ve got this!

About The Author

Evie Stockford