Blocked From Instagram

Well that was a very long 7 days, but we are back, and we move! 

As some of you may be aware, unfortunately, Instagram temporarily blocked my account as they thought I was using a third-party app (FYI I wasn’t and never have used a third-party app). After digging a little deeper and talking to people who have had similar experiences, if you are too active for short bursts of time or are receiving more interactions than usual it flags up your account and believes that a robot is liking/following people in the background using a third-party app.

To be honest up until last week my account was basically untouched and the only interaction being posting stories and watching other people’s stories so no wonder it was flagged up after all it had been hiding under a rock for a few years!

I have learnt my lesson and will slow down on the double-tapping!

A positive from all of this is that I have had lots of time to create new content and have been able to focus on getting my blog live, which is so so nearly ready.

Anyway, I will now be able to carry on with my daily ‘Thought of The Days’ and continue building my account. Thank you as always for your love and support! 


About The Author

Evie Stockford