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November 2020

The Blog Is Nearly Ready!

Right then, I am very excited to say that my blog will be launching next week, the date is soon to be revealed….. I cannot wait to share my story with you all and hopefully help others chase and achieve their dreams – as that is the goal! Hopefully I can make it grow into something wonderful which can…

Who Cares What Others Think!

YOU DO YOU! Shout it from the roof tops as this is so so important! It’s so easy to follow the crowd and blend in so you don’t stick out. People don’t want to become vulnerable, they try and stay camouflaged by not pursuing what they actually want to do. People are far too scared of what…

Manifest Anything You Want

MANIFESTION Some think I’m crazy but I’m okay with that! So what is manifestation exactly?…. Essentially, manifestation is bringing something into your life through attraction and belief. If you think it, it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. Your thoughts become things! I am so passionate about the law of…