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Evie Stockford

The benefits to purchasing BTL property

The pros to purchasing a buy to let property! Following on from my post last week I have decided to delve into the positives on owning a buy to let property and a list of pros: First things first what is a buy-to-let mortgage? Buy-to-let mortgages are for people who want to purchase a property…


Hope everyone had a good weekend, controversial I know but I actually enjoy Mondays! Fresh start to the week, wipe the slate clean and go again. Each new week brings an opportunity for limitless potential. I know it’s hard to feel this way and it’s no secret that most people dread Mondays but I encourage you to take…

We are back! 💃

After lots of back and forth with the little voice inside my head (which recently doesn’t seem to want to shut up!) I have decided to try and stick to creating blog posts once a week and back to posting thought of the days here on Instagram twice a week.  Blog posts will go live on Fridays at 5pm…